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What is GAPS?

What is GAPS?

What is the GAPS Diet, and Is It Right for You or Your Child?


You’ve come to the right place for answers!

GAPS stands for both Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Gut and Physiology Syndrome, terms coined by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome. The GAPS Diet highlights the essential, yet often overlooked, connection between your digestive system and the health of your brain, as well as the rest of your body.

Could the GAPS Diet Help You?


The GAPS Diet might be right for you or your family if you’re experiencing any of the following conditions:

  • Asthma


  • Digestive disorders (IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Constipation, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, SIBO)

  • Autism

  • Learning or social challenges

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Depression or anxiety

  • Food allergies (including gluten sensitivity)

  • Schizophrenia

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Eczema or acne

  • Neurological issues

  • Seizures

The GAPS Diet has helped thousands of individuals overcome these and many other conditions. It’s often embraced when mainstream medicine offers only symptom management instead of true healing or fails to explain why someone is ill.

Why Choose the GAPS Diet?


If you believe that you or your children deserve to return to optimal health, and you’re ready to make changes in your diet and lifestyle, you might be a perfect candidate for the GAPS Diet.

How Does the GAPS Diet Help?

  • Heals and seals the gut lining, restoring optimal gut function

  • Normalizes gut flora, including balancing bacteria, yeasts, and parasites

  • Corrects nutritional deficiencies

  • Restores the immune system

  • Gently aids the body in detoxification

What is the GAPS Diet?


The GAPS Diet is a therapeutic healing approach that includes:

  • The 6-Stage GAPS Intro Diet: An elimination diet starting with easily digestible homemade soups, cooked vegetables, and fermented foods. Each stage introduces new foods and cooking methods. 

  • Full GAPS Diet: A nourishing, whole-food, grain-free dietary plan focused on digestive health. It’s free from processed sugars and artificial ingredients, relying on home-cooked meals. 

  • Supplements: We can explore a few natural key supplements that support digestive healing and replenish essential nutrients, including probiotics, cod liver oil, EFAs, and iodine paint. Also, digestive aids like stomach acid and fat digestion support may also be explored and discussed if needed.

  • Detoxification: This involves removing toxic cleaning and body care products from your home, incorporating detox baths, and adding fresh-pressed juices into your routine.

Where to Start: GAPS Intro or Full Diet?


Whether you start with the GAPS Intro Diet or jump straight into the Full GAPS Diet depends on your unique health concerns, digestive function, and lifestyle.

Healing from years of suboptimal nutrition and toxin exposure takes time—typically 18 months to 2 years—but it’s an investment in your future health, offering greater freedom and vitality in the long run.

Let’s Work Together

"Ready to Heal from Within? Your Gut Health Journey Starts Now!"

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